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Health chats with Dr. Anthony Leeds | How to achieve diabetes remission Guest | Prof Michael Lean
Health chats with Dr.Leeds Achieving long term diabetes remission | Professor Mike Lean
Health chats with Dr.Leeds|Diabetes remission in non-European Prof Shahrad Taheri|Prof Michael Lean
EP 07 Health Tips with Dr Anthony
In conversation with Mike Lean October 2021
Achieving diabetes remission in the real world By Dr ROY TAYLOR
Prof Roy Taylor - Reversing Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Remission: Update on Evidence, Guidelines & Recommendations for Research & Practice
Research Coffee Morning: Diet and Nutrition
Ray chats with Prof. Roy Taylor - The Ray Kelly Podcast - Series 1: Type 2 Diabetes
The pharmacist who gave up drugs & Professor Tim Noakes on how to reverse the Diabetes pandemic
New understanding of type 2 diabetes, a reversible condition By Dr ROY TAYLOR